meet the team

Get to know the board and key personnels of Interserve Singapore

Interserve Board

Dr Eric Yap


Active in the spaces of education and community development, Eric is a professor in a medical school in Singapore and has co-founded community initiatives in Singapore and the Philippines. His technical expertise includes the development of advanced medical tech to provide healthcare and aid for low-resource countries. He is supported by his wife of 27 years, Sharon, and their sons Joel and James.

Mr vincent law


Vincent graduated with a Bachelor of Theology from Trinity Theological College Singapore and holds a Masters in Counselling from Singapore Bible College. Subsequently, he served in a variety of roles in Harappan Komuniti (HK), an organisation that reaches out to the needy in Malaysia and Singapore. He also served the migrant population through Healthserve. He has worked with AIDSLINK International to address the HIV/AIDS epidemic. He currently does counselling work on an ad-hoc basis and facilitates service-learning programmes and community development for marginalised communities locally and overseas.
He believes that Global missions means the proclamation of the gospel of the kingdom of God and making disciples of all nations until the Lord returns. Interserve’s focus on hard places and wholistic ministry to the whole person resonates deeply with Vincent. He believes he can contribute as a Board member by supporting  the staff team to fulfil the task of our missions mandate.

Ailene Chou


A lawyer by profession, Ailene enjoys integrating her other roles, especially as mom and community leader towards an authentic expression of what she values and works for. She embraces the stretching found in the different seasons of professional and personal life, and seeks to support others undergoing the same.

Mr Andrew Raman


Andrew is a retired pastor. He served in the Anglican church for 25 years until his retirement
in December 2022. Before joining the pastoral ministry, he was a teacher in secondary
school. He is keen to mentor young people and see them develop their potential in God. He
enjoys carpentry as a hobby and is fond of nature walk.

ms heather lim


Heather works in equity research and fund management which entails meeting companies, and looking through their annual reports and financial statements, to assess their credit worthiness and value. Heather and husband Jethro lead a ground initiative to help younger adults develop readiness for their vocations and passion.

Mrs Jenni Ho


Is a life coach who enjoys working with individuals and teams to work through hurdles in growth and imagine fresh possibilities. Authentic growth and next-level performance is her passion. She leads the To Really Live Community that helps members challenge the predominant cultural narratives where they may undermine personal and societal flourishing. She is author of six books about the seasons of life and enjoys being mom to her two young adults one one cat.

Dr Wong Heng Vee


Eschewing the perks of an international career at an energy MNC after more than a decade,
in 2007 he chose the joys of home-making when his daughter was in nursery school,
spending more time with loved ones amidst the less glamorous (and more sane) life of house
chores, gardening and quiet time while working part-time and serving pro bono in various
Homemaking, he learned is a lot harder than being a corporate denizen with a regular
paycheck, although hugs and kisses from a growing daughter is a very good trade-off.

Staff Leadership Team

National Director

Armed with a sense of calling and faith adventure, together with her husband, the present National Director employed her professional social work skills and served the locals and refugees in West Asia for 6 years, right through the turmoil of the Arab Spring. They returned with a strong sense of calling for the Church in Singapore to come alongside the suffering but persevering Church in West Asia. 

Since 2014, she has been serving as National Director of Interserve Singapore, actively working with the wider body of Christ in influencing the Church through her roles in Fellowship of Missional Organisations in Singapore (FOMOS) and more recently Antioch21, a catalytic body that is committed to a decade of united missions together. More recently in 2022, the present National Director caught a relentless drive to give jobs to the vulnerable and started a social enterprise that mainly gives remote jobs to the forcibly displaced. In her home church, she serves in the English as Second Language ministry and the Missions Education & Mobilisation Team. 

It would be hardly possible for her to joyfully steward these God-given opportunities apart from the strong support of her husband and their home church. Together with her husband, they both enjoy being silly with their primary-school-going son and daughter and leading them on faith adventure family trips together.

Local Mission Team Leader & Operations Manager

The present Local Mission Team Leader & Operations Manager graduated from a local theological college with a Bachelor of Divinity, served as a Cross-Cultural worker in Southeast Asia for 3 years, and worked as pastoral staff in her home church for 15 years before she joined Interserve Singapore in 2019.  She seeks to inspire, equip and mobilise Christians to live out the Gospel for the people of the near faith. She is currently heading the local mission team and supporting the operations work of Interserve Singapore. 

In her home church, she actively disciples the migrant workers with a committed team of church members and supports the work of church missions wherever needed. After a long day of work, she relaxes by watching detective or comical dramas or chatting with friends over a hot meal or hot cup of Kopi C siew dai.

Personnel Director

The present Personnel Director joined Interserve Singapore in 2022 after meeting the National Director through mutual friends at a cafe. The National Director described the role of the Personnel Director which she was recruiting, and the job description covered all 3 key roles the Personnel Director felt God directed her towards in the new season – coaching and journeying with people, running spiritual retreats, and global missions.  

Before that chance meeting, the 3 things seemed like separate pieces of work, unclear how it would all work out. It was an aha moment at the conversation that they could come together in the Personnel Director Role with Interserve Singapore that equips, sends cross-cultural workers, and provides member care.  

Prior to her role as Personnel Director, she has lived close to 20 years cross-culturally, mostly through corporate finance professional work in various countries in Asia.  Currently, she also coaches and run retreats in her own time. She enjoys travelling, meeting people, hearing stories, empowering people to live purposeful lives, and live healthier mentally, spiritually.

Community Engagement Team Leader

The present Community Engagement Team Leader is a professional, member of the Association of Christian Counsellors (Singapore). She was an educator who had worked with youths in the education sector for over 20 years, with the past 10 years spent in a local international school. A Master of Counselling graduate of Monash University, she has a keen interest in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and all things furry and four-legged.

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